Russian pharmacies’ prices for medicines rise 10.3% in 2015 - News Archive - PRIME Business News Agency - All News Politics Economy Business Wire Financial Wire Oil Gas Chemical Industry Power Industry Metals Mining Pulp Paper Agro Commodities Transport Automobile Construction Real Estate Telecommunications Engineering Hi-Tech Consumer Goods Retail Calendar Our Features Interviews Opinions Press Releases

Russian pharmacies’ prices for medicines rise 10.3% in 2015

MOSCOW, Jan 27 (PRIME) -- Russian pharmacies’ prices for medicines increased 10.3% in 2015, analytical agency DSM Group said in a statement Wednesday.

Prices for medicines produced by domestic companies rose 15.5% and the average price stood at 70.1 rubles for a product package.

Prices for imported medicines increased 8.9% and the weighted average price stood at 237.6 rubles.

Pharmacies’ sales rose 9.4% in ruble terms and fell 5.4% in physical terms in 2015.

In December 2015, the total revenue of pharmacies stood at 52.4 billion rubles, and demand for medicines fell 13.8% on the year.

“There is a long-term trend that the share of low cost medicines, the price of which does not exceed 150 rubles, is shrinking,” DSM Group said.

(81.8394 rubles – U.S. $1)


27.01.2016 18:48